Featured Artist : Linda K JanowitzLinda's Tie Dye
Linda's Tie Dye

Artist Bio / Statement
My Tie Dye adventure started when a friend bought me a tie dye kit as a gift. From then on I was addicted to Tie Dye. I dabbled in it on and off for years while working full-time as a veterinarian. I’d always been bored with the scrub tops available and decided to try tie dying scrubs. My experiment proved to be a big success and I decided to start my own Tie Dye business in October of 2008.
I use the traditional "tie dye" method, incorporating immersion dying (also known as the crystal technique). Combining the two methods allows you to create a basic pattern, but then enhance it with different colors, which combine in unique ways with the base colors, sometimes creating a stained glass window effect.
I get most of my clothing blanks, including my scrub tops from Dharma. I use Dharma’s Procion Dyes, Soda Ash, Urea, Ludigol, Dharma Water Softener and Dharma Professional Textile Detergent.
I currently sell scrub tops online and sell other tie dye items at local crafts fairs. Please visit my web site for more examples of my work and for dates of upcoming sales.
Contact Info
Linda Janowitz